Deacon Selection Members

Pastor: Mike Colston

Pastor: Lee Meadows

Deacon: Linda Whitt

Member @Large: John Reed

Youth Rep. Connor Wheeler

Children's Rep.: Erin Wheeler

Bible Study Rep.: Janet Lanphierd

Policies and Procedures

Deacon Selection Committee

I.      Committee Membership


A.  The Deacon Selection Committee shall consist of seven members.  The make-up of the committee shall be as follows.

1.    The Pastor or a pastoral designee.

2.    One additional pastoral associate.

3.    The Deacon Chair or a deacon designee.

4.    A representative of the Children’s Ministry.

5.    A representative of the Youth.

6.    A Bible Study teaching representative.

7.   One at-large member.

8.    There may be no more than two deacons serving on                the committee at one time.

     9.   There must be at least two females serving on the                          committee at all times.

B.  The Deacon Selection Committee is an ad hoc committee which shall be nominated each year by the Nominating Committee and approved by the church.

C.  Except for the Pastor, membership on this committee shall be limited to a one year term.  Members of the committee whose terms are expiring are eligible for reappointment to the committee one year after their most recent term has expired.

II.  Committee Duties and Responsibilities

        A.    The Deacon Selection Committee shall be responsible                    for nominating a list of deacon candidates to the                            church for approval each year.

/ III.  Policies and Procedures

            A.    The Deacon Selection Committee shall complete its work               and have a body of deacons in place by November 15                  each calendar year.

B.  The Deacon Selection Committee shall present a slate of deacon candidates to the church for approval              which conforms with the biblical and numeric criteria specified in the church Bylaws.  

C.  The committee shall solicit the assistance of the Church Clerk and/or the church staff to determine the              current size of the church membership.  The committee shall also solicit the prayers of the membership as it proceeds with determining a slate of deacon candidates.

D.  The Deacon Selection Committee shall conduct the                     following activities:

    1.  Prepare a deacon nomination form.

    2.  Develop and publicize a list of eligible deacon                candidates and solicit nominations from the             membership.

    3. Collect and evaluate nominations and interview                       nominees.

    4. Present a slate of deacon candidates for church                    approval.

    5. Repeat the process to fill any vacancies where a presented nominee is not approved by the church.



Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014