Memorial Baptist Church
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Applicable to all Committees
I. Committee Membership
A. The size of each committee shall be specified in the policies and procedures of each respective committee.
B. Each committee shall have a chairperson. An acting or associate chairperson may be elected as desired by the respective committee.
C. Committee member terms shall begin on the first day of January*. Committee terms shall normally be for three years. The Teller Committee and Worship Team terms shall begin upon appointment and run indefinitely. The Deacon Selection Committee terms shall begin when elected at the July Business Meeting (or on an alternate election date if necessary) and shall end when the new committee is elected the following year. Persons filling unexpired terms may have modified terms of service as determined and recommended by the church Nominating Committee.
D. Spouses shall not serve on the same administrative church committee (Personnel, Nominating, Stewardship, Long-Range Planning, Administrative Oversight, Pastor Search, Trustees, Fund Raising, Auditing and Deacon Selection); spouses may serve together on service committees (Ordinance, Recreation, Worship and Arts, Ushers, Connections, Student Ministries, Children’s, Hospitality, Property and Space, Public Relations and Communications, Teller, and Transportation).
E. The Senior Pastor shall be an ex officio non-voting member of all committees. His input should be solicited in all matters of significance to the church.
F. The Student Pastor shall be an ex officio non-voting member of any committees related to his specific ministries. His input should be solicited in all matters of significance to the church.
II. Committee Meetings
A. Committees shall meet as often as necessary to conduct the business of the committee. When meeting dates are established, the church office and the Administrative Oversight Committee shall be notified for communication purposes.
B. Business may be conducted via email, teleconference or other means deemed appropriate.
C. A simple majority of members present at meetings or involved in email/
teleconference/etc. conversations constitutes a quorum.
III. Committee Records
A. Committees shall elect a recording secretary at the first meeting of the year or shall appoint one for each meeting.
B. Committees shall maintain files of their actions. Minutes shall record those in attendance, date of meeting, decisions made, new and old business; minutes shall be forwarded within two weeks to the Administrative Oversight Committee and the church office.
IV. Committee Duties and Responsibilities
A. Committees shall be responsible for conforming with governing requirements in the Constitution and Bylaws of Memorial Baptist Church.
B. Committees shall be responsible for meeting their obligations as outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws and as itemized in their specific section(s) of the church’s Policies and Procedures Manual.
C. Committees shall have authority to spend or to authorize expenditures of church funds for their work up to the amount designated in the Annual Church Budget. Such authority shall be subject to the following limitations:
1. All non-fixed anticipated expenditures exceeding $500 shall be communicated in advance to the Stewardship Committee to ensure that funds are available.
2. All non-fixed anticipated expenditures exceeding $1,000 shall be presented to the Stewardship Committee and approved by the church prior to committal of church funds.
D. Committees shall be responsible for developing draft budget needs in accordance with a schedule developed by the Stewardship Committee each year.
V. Committee Coordination
A. Committees shall communicate their activities and cooperate with other related committees, organizations and church staff to ensure comprehensive, coordinated and effective implementation of church programs, activities and ministries. The church office, Administrative Oversight Committee, Senior Pastor and Student Pastor shall be notified of any special meetings involving issues of significance to the church.
B. Committees shall consult with the Trustees on any matter of a legal nature.
VI. Committee Maintenance of Policies and Procedures
A. Committees shall review their policies and procedures during their first meeting of the year and shall work with the Administrative Oversight Committee to update them for church approval as necessary and appropriate.
B. Even if no changes in policies and procedures are necessary, a notation will be included each year to indicate the committee has reviewed and makes no recommendations for change.
C. Committees shall work with church staff, committees and organizations to ensure that their policies and procedures are appropriate at all times for promoting and assisting in the missions and activities of the church.
D. Committees shall work with the Administrative Oversight Committee to present updated procedures to the church for approval as soon as possible after the drafting is completed.
*Committee members serving in 2014 will serve until December 31
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Administrative Oversight Committee
I. Committee Membership
The Administrative Oversight Committee shall consist of five members
II. Committee Duties and Responsibilities
The Administrative Oversight Committee shall be responsible for:
A. Ensuring the coordination and communication of events and activities of all groups within the congregation.
B. Monitoring adherence to the existing Constitution, Bylaws and policies/procedures that apply to all individuals and groups within the congregation of the church and recommending appropriate modifications.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. Members of the Administrative Oversight Committee shall be assigned to identified individuals/groups to ensure compliance with established policies/procedures. These individuals/groups include:
1. Standing Committees/Teams
2. Ad Hoc Committees/Teams
3. Deacons
4. Trustees
5. Church Clerk
6. Ushers
7. GYF
B. At the beginning of the church fiscal calendar, members of the Administrative Oversight Committee shall supply copies of all portions of the Constitution, Bylaws and policies that address the activities of their assigned individuals/groups.
C. The members of the Administrative Oversight Committee shall review said documents with their assigned individuals/groups to ensure everyone understands all contents.
D. When it is determined that policies/procedures are not being followed or need to be changed, Administrative Oversight Committee members will work with their assigned individual/group on making appropriate revisions, assist in the presentation of the revisions at Business Meetings, and submit them to the Church Office to update records.
E. The Administrative Oversight Committee shall review minutes of all committee meetings and share appropriate information with other individuals/groups.
F. The Administrative Oversight Committee shall work closely with the Senior Pastor and Office Administrative Assistant to ensure appropriate information is shared with the congregation in a timely manner.
G. The Administrative Oversight Committee shall monitor progress on goals established in the Long-Range Plan and periodically report to the church.
H. The Administrative Oversight Committee shall make decisions regarding the use of the church building and facilities.
I. The Administrative Oversight Committee shall work closely with staff to address such issues which may not fall under the purview of a particular committee.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
A. The Auditing Committee shall be an ad hoc committee appointed by the Deacons prior to the end of each financial year December 31.
B. The Auditing Committee shall consist of a number of members determined by the Deacons to be appropriate for that year.
C. The Deacons shall seek accounting expertise from the membership when possible.
A. The Auditing Committee shall be responsible for performing an annual analysis of the financial condition of the church to ensure that records, accounts, and procedures are accurate and appropriate for conducting the financial business of the church.
A. It shall be the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to maintain its financial integrity and protect its staff and members through a combination of reviews and audits.
B. The Auditing Committee shall consult with the Stewardship Committee and the church staff as necessary to conduct an adequate review of church finances.
C. The Stewardship Committee may be represented on the Auditing Committee.
D. The Stewardship Committee may be requested to support the audit by any combination of activities including evaluations and analysis of records, policies, and procedures.
E. The Stewardship Committee shall cooperate fully in any informal audits as well as formal internal and external audits.
F. If a full external audit is warranted, the Auditing Committee shall seek approval from the church body for the auditor and associated costs prior to contracting for the audit to begin.
G. Annual audits shall consist of the following, at a minimum:
1. A review of previous year financial records by the end of March of each year.
2. An evaluation of the condition of financial records.
3. An evaluation of church staff, committee, and organization conformance with church Bylaws, policies, and procedures.
4. A recommendation whether a full internal or external audit should be conducted.
5. A report to the church containing the results of the review which shall be presented at a business meeting no later than May of each year.
6. A report to the church containing the results of formal audits, if such audits are determined necessary, upon their completion.
H. The Auditing Committee, with assistance of the Stewardship Committee and the church staff, shall be responsible for overseeing correction of any discrepancies or irregularities identified during any annual informal or formal audit.
I. Church staff, committees, and organizations shall be responsible for making recommended corrections to their respective policies and procedures upon recommendation of the Auditing Committee and any formal auditor. Such corrections shall be made as soon as is practicable.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 11, 2014
Policies and Procedures
The following policies and procedures apply to benevolence situations encountered by the pastoral staff, deacons and other committees and organizations of Memorial Baptist Church.
I. Funding for benevolence requests shall come from the following sources:
A. Deacon Fund. Deacons make contributions to the Deacon Fund at each Deacons meeting.
B. Serving Others Selflessly (S.O.S.). Funds donated by anyone at the doors of the Worship Center.
C. Resource Office of Social Ministries (R.O.S.M). Requests may be coordinated with ROSM if appropriate or necessary.
II. Application for all benevolence requests shall be submitted on the Benevolence Application Form (Form DB-1) available in the church office.
III. Benevolence funds shall be maintained in a separate checking account.
IV. Awarding monetary assistance
A. The maximum amount of monetary assistance Memorial Baptist Church shall award to a member or a member’s immediate family during a calendar year is $200.
B. The maximum amount of monetary assistance Memorial Baptist Church shall award to a non-member or a non-member’s family during a calendar year is $100.
C. Exceptions to the established limits may be made based on established need and available resources.
D. All benevolence awards shall be based on need and available resources.
V. Approval for all benevolence awards shall be made by agreement among a pastor, Deacon Chair or designee, and Stewardship Committee Chair or designee.
VI. The Stewardship Committee Chair or designee shall sign checks for benevolence awards.
VII. Compliance with this policy shall be monitored by the Deacon Chair by reporting activity at each Deacons meeting and other documentation as part of church records.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Cancellation of Church Services and Activities
I. When it is necessary to cancel church services and/or activities due to weather or for any other valid reason, the pastoral staff shall work with the Chair of Deacons to make the decision.
II. The congregation shall be notified of the cancellation as soon as possible after the decision is made through email, telephone calls, etc.
III. Notice of the cancellation shall be sent to local television and/or radio stations for broadcast.
IV. Pastoral staff is responsible for ensuring notices are sent to the congregation and the local media.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Children's Committee
I. Team Membership
A. The Children's Ministry Team shall consist of up to nine members. Members will consist of children's bible study leaders, children's worship leader, pre-school leader, mid-week program leader(s) and a parent representative from each class level (K-1, 2-3,& 4-5) along with the Director for Children Ministry. Team leaders shall serve 1 year terms with no limits based on satisfactory evaluation of their leadership by the Director for Children Ministry.
B. Prospective members of the Children's Ministry team shall be presented by the Director of Children Ministry to the Nominating Committee for their approval for service..
C. All Team Members will be subject to a background check.
II. Team Duties and Responsibilities
Under the guidance of the Director for Children's Ministry, the Children's Ministry Team shall be responsible for:
A. The overall planning, development and implementation of a comprehensive children's ministry;
B. The safety of each child who attends or participates in activities by ensuring a background check is completed for each worker/volunteer.
C. Preparing and recommending an annual budget to the Stewardship Committee;
D. Supervising leaders who will then develop teams to carry out the five functions of the church in order to guide children in becoming Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus Christ.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. The Children's Ministry Team shall meet as often as necessary to plan, develop and implement the components of a balanced Children's Ministry. The Team may meet corporately or electronically (via email, teleconference, etc.
1. The Children's Ministry Team will be responsible for planning, developing and implementing opportunities that help children engage in and experience a Christ-centered worship.
2. The Children's Ministry Team will be responsible for planning, developing and implementing events and activities that show God's love by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
3. The Children's Ministry Team will be responsible for planning, developing and implementing a holistic teaching ministry that will guide children in becoming Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus Christ.
4. The Children's Ministry Team will be responsible for planning, developing and implementing events and activities for the purpose of building community by connecting children and families to each other, the church and the Kingdom of God.
B. The Children's Ministry Team shall assist the Director for Children's Ministry in carrying out the areas of ministry.
IV. Accountability and Evaluation
A. The Children's Ministry Team shall maintain accountability to one another to provide the most effective children's ministry possible. This will be accomplished through regular meetings.
B. Evaluations
In order to ensure a high quality children's ministry, the Team will evaluate the success of programs during the latter part of each calendar year and the success of activities as soon as possible after completion of said activities. The Team will make recommendations to the Director of Children Ministry and/or Senior and Student Pastors or church membership for changes in the children's program which are deemed appropriate.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Church Clerk
I. Responsibilities
A. The Church Clerk shall:
1. Keep accurate records (minutes of church business meetings) of all official actions of the church, report these actions to the church upon request, and ensure the church Administrative Assistant receives a copy for the permanent church records.
B. The Church shall also elect an Associate Church Clerk who shall serve in the absence of the Clerk.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church March 19, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Connections Team
I. The Connections Team is created to (1) explore the involvement of Memorial Baptist Church in meeting the needs of citizens of the community through partnerships with existing organizations and (2) to develop additional outreach efforts as needed.
II. The Connections Team membership shall consist of any member of the congregation who desires to be involved in community service ministries. The Nominating Committee shall propose a core leadership team of 3-5 people to the church for approval. The core leadership team shall serve without term limits.
III. From the core leadership team, a team leader shall be selected. This person shall ensure:
A. Community service organizations are surveyed to determine how MBC could be involved.
B. Additional community service projects to meet unmet needs are explored and plans made to carry them out.
C. Maintain and publish a menu of opportunities for community service opportunities.
D. Encourage members of the congregation to become involved in community service through all identified opportunities.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Deacon Selection Committee
I. Committee Membership
A. The Deacon Selection Committee shall consist of seven members. The make-up of the committee shall be as follows.
1. The Pastor or a pastoral designee.
2. One additional pastoral associate.
3. The Deacon Chair or a deacon designee.
4. A representative of the Children’s Ministry.
5. A representative of the Youth.
6. A Bible Study teaching representative.
7. One at-large member.
8. There may be no more than two deacons serving on the committee at one time.
9. There must be at least two females serving on the committee at all times.
B. The Deacon Selection Committee is an ad hoc committee which shall be nominated each year by the Nominating Committee and approved by the church.
C. Except for the Pastor, membership on this committee shall be limited to a one year term. Members of the committee whose terms are expiring are eligible for reappointment to the committee one year after their most recent term has expired.
II. Committee Duties and Responsibilities
A. The Deacon Selection Committee shall be responsible for nominating a list of deacon candidates to the church for approval each year.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. The Deacon Selection Committee shall complete its work and have a body of deacons in place by November 15 each calendar year.
B. The Deacon Selection Committee shall present a slate of deacon candidates to the church for approval which conforms with the biblical and numeric criteria specified in the church Bylaws.
C. The committee shall solicit the assistance of the Church Clerk and/or the church staff to determine the current size of the church membership. The committee shall also solicit the prayers of the membership as it proceeds with determining a slate of deacon candidates.
D. The Deacon Selection Committee shall conduct the following activities:
1. Prepare a deacon nomination form.
2. Develop and publicize a list of eligible deacon candidates and solicit nominations from the membership.
3. Collect and evaluate nominations and interview nominees.
4. Present a slate of deacon candidates for church approval.
5. Repeat the process to fill any vacancies where a presented nominee is not approved by the church.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Fund Raising Committee
I. The Fund Raising Committee shall be an ad hoc committee appointed when there is a need to supplement regular offerings for the building.
II. The Fund Raising Committee shall be composed of five members.
III. The duties and responsibilities of the Fund Raising Committee are:
A. Explore fund raising opportunities, including soliciting ideas from the congregation, Bible Study classes, and other groups within the church.
B. Plan fund raising events, including:
1. Date, time and place of event;
2. Members who will be working at the event;
3. What the money raised will be applied to.
C. Notify the church and community about upcoming fund raising events.
D. Report to the church about the results of fund raising events.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Hospitality Committee
I. Committee Membership
The Hospitality Committee shall consist of at least five members plus the team leaders for the Martha Ministry and the Bereavement Ministry, making a total of seven members.
II. Duties and Responsibilities
A. Coordinating special church meals.
B. Enlisting volunteers to provide and serve food during church programs and at special events.
C. Maintaining supplies and furnishings for the church kitchen and the Narthex area.
D. Communicating with the Martha and Bereavement Ministries (copy attached) to ensure they are aware of needs for meals.
III. Policies and Procedures
None required.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Attachment to Hospitality Committee
Policies and Procedures
Martha Ministry
I. Membership
The Ministry Team shall consist of five members, a chair and four Team Leaders.
II. Duties and Responsibilities
A. Arranging for meals to be prepared and delivered to church members who are ill, have had surgery or given birth, have lost a loved one, or who have a similar need.
B. Enlisting volunteers among the member’s Bible Study Class and/or church membership to ensure preparation and delivery of the meal(s).
III. Policies and Procedures
The Team shall meet as necessary to implement plans for meal delivery and preparation.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Attachment to Hospitality Committee
Policies and Procedures
Bereavement Ministry
I. Membership
The Ministry Team shall consist of five members, a chair and four Team Leaders.
II. Duties and Responsibilities
A. Providing food after the funeral service of a church member or of his/her immediate family.
B. Communicating with bereaved family members to determine if there is a need for this service and, if so, the venue and number to be served.
C. Contacting the Bible Study class of the deceased and/or church members to enlist volunteers to provide the meal.
D. Enlisting volunteers for setup and cleanup.
III. Policies and Procedures
The team shall meet as necessary to implement plans for this service.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Long Range Planning Committee
I. Committee Membership
A. The Long-Range Planning Committee shall be an ad hoc committee proposed by the Nominating Committee in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.
B. The Long-Range Planning Committee shall consist of the number of members approved by the church at the start of any long-range planning process.
II. Duties and Responsibilities
A. Evaluating church programs;
B. Proposing goals for the next five years or another time period as specified by the church;
C. Recommending for church approval a long-range plan at the end of the planning period.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. It shall be the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to conduct adequate planning to implement the Lord’s work in the community and around the world.
B. A long-range plan shall be developed every five years, beginning in 2015.
C. Progress on the church-approved long-range plan shall be monitored by the Administrative Oversight Committee.
D. All staff, committees and organizations of the church are encouraged to actively and prayerfully support the goals specified in the long-range plan.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Nominating Committee
I. Committee Membership
A. The Nominating Committee shall consist of five members as proposed by the deacons.
B. The chair of the committee shall be recommended for election by the deacons.
II. Duties and Responsibilities
Selecting and proposing nominees to the church to fill vacancies and expiring terms for staffing all church offices, programs and committees.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. Church committee, program and organization staffing shall be allowed as follows:
1. Church members only shall be selected to serve on administrative committees/groups (Personnel, Nominating, Stewardship, Long-Range Planning, Auditing, Administrative Oversight, Trustees, Teller, Fund Raising, Church Clerk, and Deacon Selection).
2. Non-members who are regular attenders and professing Christians may serve on service committees/groups (Ordinance, Recreation, Worship Team, Youth, Children’s, Hospitality, Property and Space, Public Relations and Communications, Transportation, and Connections.
3. Some positions may demand meeting additional criteria including completion of application or information forms or background checks.
B. The terms for church positions may range from temporary to indefinite. Generally, the terms shall be as follows. Deviations from these terms may be allowed in any situation where the need demands and a member is willing to serve for an alternate amount of time.
1. The Bible Study Director, Outreach Director, Department Directors, and teachers shall generally serve one-year terms. The Nominating Committee shall propose extensions of terms of serve or replacements on a yearly basis.
2. Committee memberships shall generally be for three-year terms. Committee chairs shall be elected by members of the committees and shall generally serve one-year terms. The Nominating Committee shall generally propose extensions of service or replacement for committee memberships on a rotating three-year basis. Committee membership shall be staggered over a three-year period to ensure continuity on the committee with, as a rule, no more than two members rotating off the committee in any given year.
3. Other church officer and program director positions shall generally be for one year terms. The Nominating Committee shall propose extensions of terms of service or replacements on a yearly basis.
4. The Nominating Committee shall propose for church approval an ad hoc Deacon Selection Committee no later than the July business meeting each year.
5. The Nominating Committee shall propose for church approval an ad hoc Long-Range Planning Committee upon request of the Senior Pastor and the Administrative Oversight Committee to serve at the pleasure of the church. The Long-Range Planning Committee shall be appointed every five years (beginning in 2015) and will serve until the long-range plan has been fully implemented.
6. The Nominating Committee will provide copies of committee policies and procedures to potential committee members who are unfamiliar with the scope of any committee on which they are being asked to consider serving.
C. Schedule for Nominating Committee work
1. Bible Study Program
a. A Bible Study Director nominee shall be proposed to the church body for approval no later than the May business meeting. Upon approval, the Bible Study Director shall become an ex officio member of the Nominating Committee for the purpose of assisting the committee in staffing the Bible Study program for the upcoming year (beginning in August).
b. Members to fill other Bible Study Program positions including teachers shall be proposed to the church body for approval no later than the August July business meeting.
c. Vacancies shall be filled as expeditiously as possible by selection of nominees and presentation to the church for approval as needs arise.
2. Nominees for general church officers and committee membership shall be proposed to the church body for approval no later than the November business meeting. Vacancies and new positions may be proposed and filled at other times as deemed necessary by the church.
3. Deacon Selection Committee members and a chair shall be proposed to the church body for approval no later than the July business meeting.
4. Long-Range Planning Committee members shall be proposed to the church for approval every five years (first committee to begin work in 2015) during the November business meeting.
D. The Nominating Committee shall ensure that all newly approved officers, directors, leaders, teachers, and committee members are informed of their appointment as soon as possible after church approval.
Nominating Committee Timeline
Date Activity
May Present nominee for Bible Study Director at Business Meeting for approval
June Nominating Committee meets to discuss nominees for Deacon Selection Committee and Bible Study teachers.
July Present nominees for Deacon Selection Committee and Bible Study teachers at Business Meeting for approval.
Aug-Oct Nominating Committee meets to consider nominees for general church officers, organization leaders, and committee membership.
November Present nominees for general church officers, organization leaders, and committee members at the Business Meeting for approval.*
January Present nominees for any unfilled positions at the Business Meeting
Jan-Dec Fill positions as the need arises.
*Deacons submit nominees for the Nominating Committee and Chair
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Ordinance Committee
I. Committee Membership
A. The Ordinance Committee shall consist of five members.
B. At least two members of the committee must be of each gender.
II. Duties and Responsibilities
Preparing for and/or assisting in special ordinance services.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. Baptismal Services
1. The Ordinance Committee shall make arrangements for baptismal services and provide assistance to the pastor and baptismal candidates.
a. The minister responsible for performing the baptism(s) shall ensure that member of the Ordinance Committee is informed of the date of an upcoming baptism and the number and gender of baptismal candidates.
b. The committee shall be responsible for opening and filling the baptistery prior to a baptismal service.
c. The committee shall ensure that baptismal candidates are reminded of necessary items which they should bring on the day of the service.
d. The committee shall ensure that robes are available for use.
e. The committee shall ensure that the baptistery is drained and thoroughly dried and cleaned prior to closing the lid of the baptistery. Due to the fact that the baptistery is an in-floor type, the lid shall be closed as soon as reasonable possible.
2. The Ordinance Committee shall be aware of the gender of baptismal candidates and ensure that a committee member of the same gender is present for such services.
B. Communion Services
1. The Ordinance Committee shall ensure that the elements of bread and juice are available at two communion stations each Sunday, which are self served (except for the Sundays when corporate communion will be observed).
2. The Ordinance Committee shall prepare equipment and materials prior to each corporate communion observance, which is served by the Deacons.
C. General Duties
1. The Ordinance Committee shall clean and store baptismal and communion equipment and supplies after each service.
2. The Ordinance Committee shall request the purchase of additional baptismal and communion materials, supplies and equipment as needs arise.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 4, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Personnel Committee
I. Committee Membership
A. The Personnel Committee shall consist of five members.
II. Committee Duties and Responsibilities
A. The Personnel Committee shall be responsible for:
B. Overseeing general and specific personnel matters which come before the church.
C. Proposing to the church candidates to fill full-time and part-time church ministerial and staff positions except for the position of the Pastor.
D. Performing routine personnel management duties.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. The Personnel Committee shall, in conjunction with church ministers, staff, committees, and organizations, annually survey church needs for additional positions or reformulation of existing positions as resources allow. Recommendations shall be made to the church body for approval.
B. Vacancies
1. The Personnel Committee shall recruit, interview, and recommend prospective employees to fill existing staff vacancies and newly created positions.
2. The committee shall consult with the Senior Pastor and any minister, staff person, committee, or program having responsibility for that area of the church’s ministry.
C. Job Descriptions
1. The Personnel Committee shall develop job descriptions for new positions.
2. The Personnel Committee shall annually review existing job descriptions to ensure that job descriptions are currently appropriate to carry out the missions of the church.
3. When it is determined that a new position is required or that an existing job description should be modified, the Personnel Committee shall present the proposed job description to the church for approval.
4. The Personnel Committee shall provide a copy of the appropriate job description to each staff person who is employed by the church.
5. Job descriptions for the following positions are attached to these policies and procedures:
a. Student Pastor
b. Administrative Assistant. See Attachment 2
D. Salaries
1. The Personnel Committee shall develop and recommend salaries and benefits for all church employees except the Senior Pastor
2. The committee shall meet and approve salary increase proposals as part of the annual budget preparation process. The Deacons will provide information regarding the Senior Pastor’s salary package adjustment for the Personnel Committee’s use.
3. Annual salary adjustment, if any may be applied differently for different staff persons, depending on a variety of factors including vocational experience, tenure at Memorial Baptist Church, performance, and any unique circumstances which may arise.
4. Salaries and other staff payments including one-time payments shall be paid in accordance with Internal Revenue Service requirements applicable to the specific payment being made.
E. Personnel Evaluations
1. The Personnel Committee shall evaluate annually (prior to October 1) all positions (except the Senior Pastor). Staff shall be evaluated in the areas of interpersonal and professional skills, work quality and quantity, dedication, initiative, attitude and conduct.
2. In preparation for conducting evaluations, the Personnel Committee shall request that each employee complete a self-evaluation that includes an assessment of their job description, performance, vision, accomplishments, attitude, strengths and weaknesses. Each employee shall also list goals for the next year and any needs which will facilitate accomplishing goals in the upcoming year.
3. In preparation for conducting the evaluations, the Personnel Committee shall also request input from the employee’s immediate supervisor and other church committees involved with the work of the employee. This input may include an analysis of accomplishments, interpersonal skills, professional skills, work quality, productivity, dedication, initiative, attitude and conduct, as well as suggestions for improvement or focus n the coming year.
4. The Personnel Committee shall utilize the information from E (2 and 3) above as well as information gleaned from interviews with the employee to arrive at a fair and accurate evaluation. The results of the evaluation will be discussed with each employee, and the Personnel Committee shall make itself available for follow-p discussion with the employee upon request.
5. Completed evaluations shall be prepared in written form, and copies shall be provided to the employee, the employee’s immediate supervisor, and the church office.
6. The Personnel Committee shall encourage a positive and continual level of productive communication between the employees and the supervisors.
F. Vacation and Leave Policy
1. Memorial Baptist Church has established a policy governing leave and vacation for its employees. All employees and supervisory personnel shall conform with these procedures. The Vacation and Leave Policy is in Attachment 3 9.
G. Personnel Pay Policy
1. It shall be the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to pay its personnel twice per month on the 15th and the last day of the month.
2. Payday shall be the last regular working day of the pay period, excluding weekends and holidays.
3. Each paycheck shall reimburse personnel for their services during the current pay period. There shall be no hold-back of pay for one pay period.
4. Paychecks shall be made available to personnel no later than noon on each payday.
H. Ministerial Expense Reimbursement Policy
1. Expenses which are reimbursable shall be reimbursed on a frequency not to exceed once per pay period.
2. Nontaxable reimbursements shall be made only after receipt of documented expenses in accordance with Internal Revenue Service requirements.
3. Any remaining expense funds which were not reimbursed during the year may be provided to the minister at the end of the year as a taxable payment, if the funds were originally part of the minister’s salary package.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church March 12, 2014
Job Description
Administrative Assistant
I. Church Financial Records
A. Giving/Contributions
1. Maintain contributions received by mail or otherwise in a secure location.
2. On Mondays, take all contributions/offerings to the bank, accompanied by two (2) members of the Teller Committee. Count contributions and sort into appropriate account/designated fund and make the corresponding deposits.
3. Record deposits in accounting software and/or other forms necessary to maintain an accurate accounting of the various accounts and funds which comprise the financial resources of Memorial Baptist Church.
4. Record individual giving in order to track yearly contributions.
5. Provide annual report to individuals to reflect their giving for the calendar year; these reports are due no later than the end of January for the preceding year.
B. Payroll
1. Prepare payroll information including federal, state and city taxes and process payroll checks and the appropriate tax payments.
2. Maintain payroll records and issue W-2 forms for all employees no later than January of the following year.
C. General Administrative
1. Receive invoices for goods and services and process these invoices and other financial obligations for payment.
2. Prepare financial information for the Stewardship Committee meeting every other month.
II. Volunteer Scheduling
A. Maintain a calendar of church events.
B. Keep list of van riders and distribute to van drivers who volunteer to drive on Sundays.
C. Relay messages to committees by email about repairs or problems in the building or with vehicles. Report immediate needs to Senior Pastor and/or Administrative Oversight Committee.
D. Send out emails and postcard reminders to those on the Sunday worker’s schedule.
III. Bible Study/MBC Membership
A. Membership
1. Maintain MBC church membership roll
a. Send letter to previous church for new members
b. Send letter to new church in the event a membership is moved
c. Update all appropriate files for birthdays, etc.
d. Prepare baptism certificates
e. Prepare baby dedication certificates and purchase Bibles
f. Annually update information for Franklin Baptist Association
g. Maintain “shut-in” list
h. Maintain business meeting records
2. Update prayer requests
a. Prepare Wednesday evening prayer sheet
b. Email to congregation as requested
B. Bible Study
1. Maintain rolls for Bible study classes
2. Advance youth and children annually as needed; provide information to the Bible Study Director and Secretary
3. Order Bible Study materials
4. Maintain attendance records for Bible Study
C. General
1. Maintain office hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
a. Answer phone
b. Receive/open/distribute mail
c. Accept visitors
2. Monitor supplies for office; reorder as necessary
3. Monitor supplies for custodian; reorder as necessary
4. Monitor supplies for Narthex; reorder as necessary
5. Prepare and print bulletin
6. Prepare/input media scripts for Sunday worship services
7. Provide Application/Contract forms to those requesting the use of the building/facilities and process according to policy/procedures
IV. Newsletter/Calendar
A. Collect items/articles to be included in newsletter and calendar
B. Prepare copy format for review by pastors before being incorporated into final form
C. Print, fold and mail copies of newsletter/calendar to those members who wish to receive a hard copy
D. Distribute copies of newsletter/calendar electronically and post to the website; new items are also posted to the website
A. Receive applications for ROSM assistance on a daily basis and follow up on status of requests as necessary
B. Food Box Assistance
1. Applications are accepted on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
2. Information is provided to ROSM and/or Food Pantry
3. Contact volunteer to pick up boxes
4. Notify applicants their food box is ready to be picked up at the church
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church on July 9, 2014
Job Description
Student Pastor
I. Youth
A. Work cooperatively with Senior Pastor, staff, Youth Committee and church organizations to plan, develop and implement all aspects of a balanced youth ministry in the areas of group building, worship, discipleship, missions and outreach.
B. Be an advocate for youth and educate the congregation about the hopes, concerns and needs of youth in the church and community.
C. Support and guide the work of the Youth Committee in an annual process of evaluating the vision and goals of the youth ministry and directing monthly planning sessions.
D. Work with youth leaders in planning and conducting a program to lead the youth in the knowledge of the plan of salvation to nurture their Christian development.
E. Recruit and train volunteers who work with youth in all aspects of youth ministry and ensure adequate volunteer support and adult-to-youth ratios.
F. Coordinate Bible Study curriculum for youth (Grades 6-12) and recruit teachers in partnership with the Bible Study Director.
G. Be aware of resources for developing the youth ministry programming and participate in continuing education events and training opportunities.
H. Be a liaison between the church and other community organizations, people and resources that relate to youth and youth resources.
I. Communicate in a timely manner and as effectively as possible using all available resources (email, website, bulletin, newsletter, bulletin board, etc.). Ensure communication with church staff and leadership, parents, and the congregation as a whole.
J. Keep records of youth participation and manage the youth ministry budget.
K. Prepare the annual budget needs and administer the approved budget according to approved policies.
L. In consultation with the Youth Committee, annually review policies and procedures related to the youth ministry program and recommend amendments as necessary.
M. Assist with planning, including fundraising, and conducting special projects such as retreats, mission trips and camps.
N. Be available to students at all of our community middle & high schools (i.e. lunch at school, attendance at extracurricular activities, visitation, times of crisis, etc.).
O. Ensure that Child Protection Policies are observed in all youth ministry settings.
II. Other Duties
A. Serve as a member of the Deacon Selection Committee.
B. Perform other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church on July 9, 2014
Personnel Leave Policies and Procedures
I. For the purposes of these procedures, the church staff shall be defined as follows:
A. Full-time Staff (40 hours/wk) Definition: For purposes of determining full-time or part-time services only. This shall not limit total weekly hours for assigned ministry duties.
1. Senior Pastor
2. Student Pastor
3. Administrative Assistant
B. Part-time Staff (none currently employed) Definition: Any employee whose regular hours of work are expected to be less than 40 hours per week, but not limited time for required assigned ministry duties.
II. The vacation leave policy for the church staff shall be as follows:
A. Full-time staff shall receive leave depending on their total length of service in the ministry.
1. For less than ten years of experience in the ministry, two weeks of vacation leave shall be given annually.
2. For ten to twenty years of experience in the ministry, three weeks of vacation leave shall be given annually.
3. For twenty years or more of experience, four weeks of vacation leave shall be given annually.
B. These general stipulations shall apply to vacation leave:
1. The full-time staff, except for the Senior Pastor, shall not take more than two consecutive weeks of vacation leave without prior approval of the Personnel Committee.
2. The Senior Pastor shall coordinate any time off with the deacons and shall not take more than four consecutive weeks of vacation leave without prior approval of the deacons.
3. All vacation dates for full-time staff shall have prior approval of the Senior Pastor.
4. For the calendar year in which an employee is hired, their vacation time for that year shall be determined as part of the salary package negotiation. Beginning January 1 of the following year, they shall be eligible for a full year of vacation according to the established guidelines. No vacation time shall be taken before six months of service has been completed.
5. Vacation leave for church staff who have completed one full year of employment shall become available on January 1 of each calendar year.
6. Vacation leave shall not be accumulated from year to year. Any accumulated leave not taken by December 31 shall expire on that date.
7. Staff shall not receive compensation for accumulated vacation leave upon resignation, retirement or other separation from employment.
III. The sick leave policy for the church staff shall be as follows:
A. Sick leave shall be granted at the rate of one working day for each month of service and shall be accumulated after more than one-half of the work days have been worked each month.
B. A church staff person shall notify his/her supervisor in the event that illness prevents his/her presence on a regular work day or for a scheduled church service, if applicable.
C. The maximum accumulation of sick leave shall not exceed thirty days.
D. Staff shall not receive compensation for accumulated sick leave upon resignation, retirement, or other separation from employment.
IV. Staff shall be granted leave on the following holidays:
A. New Year’s Day (two days)
B. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
C. President’s Day
D. Good Friday (one-half day)
E. Memorial Day
F. Independence Day
G. Labor Day
H. Thanksgiving Day (two days)
I. Christmas Day (two days)
V. Documentation of Leave
All staff shall submit a report to the Personnel Committee Chair by the 10th of each month following the previous month that shows an accounting of the use of any leave. A copy of the Senior Pastor’s report shall be forwarded to the Chair of Deacons.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church March 12, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Preschool Ministry Team
I. Team Membership
A. The Preschool Ministry Team shall consist of six members. Members will consist of preschool bible study leaders, the preschool director, a preschool worker, a church member, and a parent. Team leaders shall serve 1 year terms with no limits based on satisfactory evaluation of their leadership by the Director for Preschool Ministry.
B. Prospective members of the Preschool Ministry team shall be presented by the Director of Preschool Ministry to the Nominating Committee for their approval for service.
C. All Team Members shall be subject to a background check.
II. Team Duties and Responsibilities
Under the guidance of the Director for Preschool Ministry, the Preschool Ministry Team shall be responsible for:
A. The overall planning, development and implementation of a comprehensive preschool ministry;
B. The safety of each child who attends or participates in activities by ensuring a background check is completed for each worker/volunteer;
C. Preparing and recommending an annual budget to the Stewardship Committee;
D. Supervising leaders who will then develop teams to carry out the five functions of the church in order to guide children in becoming Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus Christ.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. The Preschool Ministry Team shall meet as often as necessary to plan, develop and implement the components of a balanced Preschool Ministry. The Team may meet corporately or electronically (via email, teleconference, etc.).
1. The Preschool Ministry Team shall be responsible for planning, developing and implementing opportunities that help children engage in and experience Christ-centered worship.
2. The Preschool Ministry Team shall be responsible for planning, developing and implementing events and activities that show God's love by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
3. The Preschool Ministry Team shall be responsible for planning, developing and implementing a holistic teaching ministry that will guide children in becoming Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus Christ.
4. The Preschool Ministry Team shall be responsible for planning, developing and implementing events and activities for the purpose of building community by connecting children and families to each other, the church and the Kingdom of God.
5. The Preschool Ministry Team shall be responsible for planning, developing and implementing a biblically-based weekday preschool program for the purpose of nurturing children in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.
B. The Preschool Ministry Team shall assist the Director for Preschool Ministry in carrying out the areas of ministry.
IV. Accountability and Evaluation
A. The Preschool Ministry Team shall maintain accountability to one another to provide the most effective children's ministry possible. This will be accomplished through regular meetings.
B. Evaluations
In order to ensure a high quality children's ministry, the Team will evaluate the success of programs during the latter part of each calendar year and the success of activities as soon as possible after completion of said activities. The Team will make recommendations to the Director of Preschool Ministry and/or Senior and Student Pastors or church membership for changes in the children's program which are deemed appropriate.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Property and Space Committee
I. Committee Membership
The Property and Space Committee shall consist of at least six (6) members.
II. Committee Duties and Responsibilities
The Property and Space Committee shall be responsible for:
A. Assisting in the care of all church property and buildings;
B. Implementing these policies and procedures as well as recommending changes to them.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. It shall be the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to be wise stewards of its property, buildings and equipment. Church property and buildings shall be utilized to the fullest for the Lords’ work.
Guidelines from any available space utilization recommendation, which have been prepared for the church, may be used.
B. Adequate insurance coverage shall be maintained to cover replacement of structures, equipment and furnishings. The Trustees shall determine the value of church-owned assets.
C. It shall be the policy of Memorial Baptist Church for permanent improvements to property and buildings to be approved by the church if such improvement is deemed to be substantial. No alternations of the uses of church properties shall occur without church approval.
D. A periodic inspection shall be conducted, at least annually, of all church property to ascertain the general condition of the need for maintenance, repair or improvement.
E. An inventory of church property including equipment and furnishings shall be conducted at least every five years.
F. A periodic survey shall be conducted, at least annually, to assure church property is being used properly. General regulations to be observed by all users of the church buildings include:
1. The use of tobacco within the building is prohibited at all times;
2. The use of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs is prohibited on church property at all times;
3. No furniture or fixtures that have been made stationary by screws or other fasteners shall be removed.
G. Routine and periodic activities by the Property and Space Committee shall include the following:
1. Inspect all church property periodically to ascertain its general condition and the necessity for maintenance, repairs and/or improvements.
2. Maintain an inventory of church property equipment and furnishings.
3. Consult with program leaders concerning space allocations.
4. Recommend changes in use of facilities and property.
5. Develop and recommend a program of preventative maintenance.
6. Make recommendations concerning maintenance personnel, employment, training, and supervision of maintenance personnel.
7. Develop and initiate scheduled cleaning procedures for church facilities.
8. Develop and recommend arranging, equipping and administration of parking space.
9. Request and administer the maintenance, furniture and equipment budget.
10. Consult with church organization leaders and other groups concerning adequate furnishings.
11. Secure insurance in the amount determined by the Trustees to cover replacement of structures, equipment and furnishings.
12. Respond to requests and suggestions from other committees, organizations and individuals.
H. Custodial Services
1. The church may hire a custodian(s) to provide custodial services.
2. The following guidelines shall apply to all custodians employed by the church:
a. The custodian(s) shall be employed by the church upon the recommendation of the Personnel Committee, the Senior Pastor, and the Property and Space Committee.
b. The general supervision of the custodian(s) shall be the responsibility of the Property and Space Committee.
c. The day-to-day supervision of the custodian(s) shall be the responsibility of the Senior Pastor.
d. Duties, schedules, and vacations of the custodian(s) shall be those agreed upon by them, the Property and Space Committee, and as generally outlined in the job description provided by the church for each staff member.
e. Initially, the compensation of the custodian(s) shall be that agreed upon by themselves and the Property and Space Committee, subject to review by the Stewardship Committee and approved by the church.
3. In lieu of employing a custodian, the church may employ a custodial or janitorial service through a contract upon recommendation of the Property and Space Committee, subject to review by the Stewardship Committee and approval by the church.
4. Custodial or janitorial service guidelines shall include:
a. The Property and Space Committee shall evaluate contractor performance annually under any contract into which the church enters as mentioned in (3) above and shall provide a report of performance to the church at such time as the contract is recommended for renewal or termination. The Property and Space Committee shall prepare such evaluations in written form and shall provide a copy to the church office for its permanent records.
b. Termination of service by the church of a contraction as mentioned in (3) above shall be by vote of the church upon recommendation of the Property and Space Committee. Notification to the contractor of termination of the contract shall be in accordance with the termination clause of the contract.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church July 9, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Public Relations Committee
I. Committee Membership
The Public Relations and Communications Committee shall consist of at least five members.
II. Committee Duties and Responsibilities
The Public Relations and Communications Committee shall be responsible for:
A. Developing and recommending ways of communicating church programs to church members and the community.
B. Counseling the Pastor, staff, committees and organizations on public relations needs.
C. Assisting the Pastor, staff, committees and organizations in producing communication and outreach materials.
D. Assisting the Pastor, staff, committees and organizations in assessing the membership’s attitude about the church and the church’s image in the community.
E. Ensuring the church website is up to date, relative, presentable and cost effective.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. The Public Relations and Communications Committee shall evaluate the overall church public relations program on an annual basis and provide recommendations to the membership.
B. The Public Relations and Communications Committee shall review the church calendar on a frequent basis and assist the Pastor, staff, committees and organizations in publicizing special events.
C. The Public Relations and Communications Committee shall ensure that advertisements of church services are kept up to date in the local newspaper.
Adopted by Memorial Baptist Church May 10, 2000
Revised; March 14, 2012
Policies and Procedures
Recreation Committee
I. Committee Membership
The recreation committee shall consist of five members.
II. Committee Duties and Responsibilities
A. The Recreation Committee shall have overall responsibility to coordinate and oversee the recreational programs of the church.
B. The Recreation Committee shall be responsible for planning and carrying out games and other activities at church-wide fellowships and other special events such as summer Sunday nights, Upward sponsored activities, VBS, etc.
C. The Recreation Committee shall be responsible for coordinating activities pertaining to church- sponsored sports teams.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. The recreation committee shall:
1. Review purchases made benefiting any approved sports team.
2. Approve coaches for all church-sponsored sports activities.
3. Review and provide the Stewardship Committee with information pertaining to league fees for any church-sponsored teams for payment approval.
4. Promote recreational activities as a means for outreach to non-Christians and individuals who are not attending a local church.
B. Coaches approved by the recreation committee shall:
1. Be held responsible for providing schedule information for practices or games to the
Church secretary for publication of said practices or games for each church sponsored
2. Provide a Christian atmosphere for practices and game situations. Prayers are encouraged to be held before and after said games.
3. Provide copies of schedules and league rules to each participant of each church-sponsored team.
4. Require conformance with all league rules by each participant.
C. Each participant in church-sponsored athletic events shall:
1. Exhibit a Christ-like attitude and good sportsmanship while playing for any church- sponsored team.
2. Attend church services at Memorial Baptist Church.
3. Conform to all league rules for the team they are participating on.
4. Be considerate in giving coaches prior notice to planned absences from practices and games, to the extent that prior notice is possible.
D. Members and other attendees of Memorial Baptist Church shall:
1. Exhibit a Christ-like attitude and good sportsmanship while observing any church-sponsored athletic or recreational event.
2. Conform with all league rules pertaining to spectators at said events.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Stewardship Committee
I. Committee Membership
A. The Stewardship Committee shall consist of five members.
B. The Chairperson of the committee shall be elected by the committee members.
II. Committee Duties and Responsibilities
A. The Stewardship Committee shall be responsible for promoting stewardship among the church membership. This shall include encouraging members to use their time, talents, and financial resources for supporting God's work.
B. The Stewardship Committee shall be responsible for the church's finances.
C. The Stewardship Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the payment of all church bills.
D. The Stewardship Committee shall constantly be aware of the church's current financial status, shall review and approve monthly financial statements prepared by the church secretary, and shall submit regular reports to the church.
E. The Stewardship Committee shall be responsible for preparing the annual church budget.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. It shall be the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to conform with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations governing churches, charitable organizations, and nonprofit corporations.
B. All payments of salaries, costs of services, and reimbursements shall be handled in a manner which provides records which are in accordance with sound accounting principles.
C. Credits for contributions shall be listed as charitable contributions to the extent allowed by Internal Revenue Service regulations.
D. Meetings.
1. The Stewardship Committee shall meet monthly to review financial statements and prepare reports for regular business meetings.
2. The committee shall call special meetings as often as necessary to meet the stewardship and financial needs of the church.
E. Expenditure Procedures.
1. For any general or special fund account, the committee may review and advise on the availability of funds for any anticipated expenditure and shall review and advise on the availability of funds for any anticipated, non-fixed expenditure exceeding $500. If the financial conditions call for review of requested expenditures below $500, the committee may require review of lower amounts of expenditures.
2. All anticipated expenditures exceeding $1,000, other than fixed and emergency expenditures, shall be reviewed by the Stewardship Committee and submitted to the church for formal approval. The Stewardship Committee review shall include method and schedule for payment.
3. Individual expenditures approved as line items in the annual church budget shall not require further approval during the budget year. However, committees shall check with the Stewardship Committee to ensure that adequate funds are available to cover non-fixed anticipated expenditures exceeding $500, prior to incurring those expenses. If financial conditions call for review of requested expenditures below $500, the committee may require review of lower amounts of expenditures.
4. The church may use credit cards to expedite purchases. All credit cards will be kept in a secure location in the church office and issued to a staff member or church member only after appropriate documentation (Form SC-2) of the purchase is presented to a member of the Stewardship Committee for approval according to Section III (E) (1) and Section III (E) (3).
5. Fixed expenses are excluded from the provisions of this section.
a. Fixed expenditures shall be considered those expenditures which must be paid in order to support the church’s ordinary expenses and programs and which are normally encountered in any budget year. They include but are not limited to:
(1) Salaries and fringe benefits.
(2) Utilities.
(3) Property insurance.
(4) Literature orders.
(5) Postage and office supplies.
(6) Janitorial and maintenance supplies.
(7) Equipment maintenance agreements.
(8) Incidental expenses associated with the pastoral, music, and youth programs.
(9) Budgeted payments for missions programs.
6. Emergency expenditures.
a. Emergency expenditures shall be considered those extraordinary expenditures from a designated or undesignated account which are not fixed expenditures of the church and which are required to support the operation of the church, its programs, and ministries.
b. The Stewardship Committee shall review the emergency expenditure request and meet either in person or by telephone to determine the availability of funds and the most efficient mechanism to make payment.
c. Stewardship Committee reviews of emergency expenditure requests shall be completed in a timely manner to ensure there is minimal disruption of church activities.
d. Emergency expenditures shall be explained by the Stewardship Committee at the next scheduled business meeting.
7. Over-expenditures.
a. Should a situation occur where an expenditure would exceed the amount in a budget line item for the subject year, the committee, organization, or staff involved shall make a formal request to the Stewardship Committee to exceed the budgeted line item amount.
b. The Stewardship Committee shall report budget line item over-expenditures to the church body at the next scheduled business meeting.
c. The committee shall report potential over-expenditures of line items in excess of $500 to the church and shall request approval from the church body at a business meeting prior to such expenses being incurred.
d. Upon review, determination that adequate church funds exist to accommodate the over-expenditure, and approval from the Stewardship Committee, the committee, organization, or staff may proceed with the over-expenditure.
F. Handling of Offerings, Fees, and Other Monies.
1. The Stewardship Committee shall develop at each regular January meeting an annual schedule for collecting offerings, fees, and other monies and delivering them to the bank depository.
2. The committee shall make plans in advance to handle offerings, fees, and other monies at all regular and special services as well as all other events and activities.
3. The committee shall conform with the following procedures for handling offerings from regular and special services, events, and other activities:
a. All monies shall be handled in a manner which conforms with standard accounting and auditing protocols.
b. Bible Study offerings shall be collected by the Bible Study Program secretary, shall be locked in bank bags, and shall be left prior to the morning worship service in a secure location in the church which is known by the Stewardship Committee. The secretary, and preferably a second Bible Study Program volunteer, shall sign an Offering Handling Form (Form SC-1) and leave the form and key to the bank bag in a designated area.
c. The Bible Study Program secretary shall retrieve any offerings left in the plates after the early Sunday morning service and shall place them in the bank deposit bag to be used for the Bible Study offering. The deposit bag shall be placed in a designated secure area. A Stewardship Committee member shall collect the offerings at the end of the later Sunday morning service and place them in deposit bags in the presence of a member of the usher team. Both individuals shall sign an Offering Handling Form (Form SC-1).
d. The Offering Handling Form and deposit bag keys shall be placed in a designated area by the Stewardship Committee member.
e. The Stewardship Committee member shall take all deposit bags which have been used to the night depository at the main office of Farmers Bank as soon as possible after a service, event, or activity has been completed.
f. The Church Financial Records Secretary and members of the Teller Committee shall meet at prescribed times to open deposit bags, count the money, and make necessary records of money received.
g. The church shall maintain accurate individual giving records for all monies which have been received in envelopes or which contain other information identifying the source of the monies.
h. The church shall periodically provide reports to individuals showing year-to-date giving. At the end of each year, a full report shall be provided for the calendar year.
4. Special Offerings.
a. In general, special offerings including love offerings shall be handled in a manner identical to the way in which routine offerings are handled.
b. Where possible, arrangements should be made in advance with visiting speakers and other guests to provide an expense reimbursement or love offering by mail within a week of the service, event, or other activity.
c. If a love offering is to be presented to a guest at the end of a service, it will be necessary to open offering envelopes and account for the money given. In such cases, the following additional procedures apply:
(1) Offering envelopes will be opened in the presence of a minimum of one Stewardship Committee member and one Deacon.
(2) All cash and checks shall be counted, using a printing calculator or other summary sheet to record the amounts and totals.
(3) The calculator tape or other summary sheet shall be signed and dated by the counters and placed in a deposit bag along with the offering envelopes, checks, and cash. An Offering Handling Form shall also be completed by the counters and signed.
(4) A check shall be written for the amount given and shall be provided to the guest.
(5) The Offering Handling Form and deposit bag keys shall be placed in a designated area, by the Stewardship Committee member.
(6) The Stewardship Committee member shall take the deposit bag to the night depository at the main office of Farmers Bank as soon as possible after a service, event, or activity has been completed. *
d. In the event that an announcement has been made in advance that only cash and checks made out to the guest will be accepted, the special offering shall be counted, checks shall be verified to ensure that they are not made out to the church, the total offering shall be given to the guest, and the signed calculator tape or other summary sheet shall be left in the church office for the secretary.
5. The church secretary shall maintain records of the date each payment request was received and the budget line item to which the expenditure applies.
6. The Stewardship Committee Chair or designated member of the Stewardship Committee shall indicate review and approval of all expenditures prior to signing the checks by initialing and sating each invoice or bill.
G. Budget Development and Oversight.
1. The official church fiscal year shall be the calendar year.
2. The Stewardship Committee shall develop no later than October a schedule for budget development and stewardship emphasis related to the coming year's budget.
3. The committee shall prepare and provide for church information no later than the regular November business meeting a draft budget for the upcoming church fiscal year.
4. The committee shall conduct any desired and appropriate stewardship emphasis during the months of October and November. Commitment cards (Form SC-4) may be distributed to the membership as part of this process.
5. The committee shall prepare and provide for church approval no later than December at a special called business meeting a proposed final budget for the upcoming church fiscal year.
6. The committee shall maintain necessary budget line items to accomplish the work of all church staff, committees, and organizations.
7. The committee shall interact with all church staff, committees, and organizations to evaluate budget needs, develop final budget amounts, and monitor expenditures. A form (Form SC-3) shall be provided for itemizing budget requests.
H. Payment of Bills.
1. It shall be the church policy to require documentation of all bills and reimbursement requests. The church shall provide a necessary form (Form SC-2) for those bills for which a formal invoice are not available or feasible.
2. Vendors, church staff, committee chairs, organization coordinators, and members shall provide adequate documentation for expenditures, including a description of the item or service, the date the expense was incurred, and the name of the business or individual to whom payment shall be made.
3. Payment of all church bills shall be by check. The Church Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining records of church bills and preparing checks for signature.
4. All checks issued against the church's bank account shall bear two signatures. Normally the signatures will be those of the chairperson of the Stewardship Committee and the church secretary. In the absence of one of the above, the signature of another member of the Stewardship Committee may be substituted for the one who is absent.
A. The Stewardship Committee shall communicate financial policies and procedures to all committee chairpersons at the beginning of each church program year.
B. The committee shall meet with church staff, committees, and organizations as the need arises, to assist in any financial matter which needs joint attention.
C. The committee shall provide periodic updates of year-to-date expenditures to the church.
D. The committee shall cooperate with, and provide assistance to, the Church Ad-hoc Auditing Committee which is appointed by the Deacons on an annual basis to review financial procedures and determine whether formal auditing is appropriate.
Adopted by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Safety Deposit Information
There is a new compliance at Farmers
Bank. We were told that the bank can
only open the bank drop box once per
day. If the money bags are not in the
box before 7:30 a.m. on Monday
morning, they cannot open the box
again until Tuesday morning.
Policies and Procedures
Student Ministries Committee
I. Committee Membership
A. The Student Ministries Committee shall consist of nine members.
B. The make-up of the Student Ministries Committee shall include three adults, one High School Student, one Middle School Student, and all the Student Ministry Bible Study Teachers. The adults from this committee shall include both representation from Parents of students and members of the church at large.
C. The Student Pastor shall lead this committee and be responsible to gather members on a regular basis to conduct business. In the absence of the Student Pastor, another committee member will be appointed to chair the committee in the interim period.
II. Committee Duties and Responsibilities
A. The Student Ministries Committee shall be responsible to:
1. Cooperate with the Student Pastor in coordinating the student ministry of the church.
2. Review the social, physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the church’s students and make recommendations with the Student Pastor for a well- balanced program of student studies, activities and programs.
3. Enlist support and assistance from other church members in sponsoring and conducting student ministry activities.
B. Scholarships
1. The Student Ministry Committee shall promote the availability of Christian institutions of higher education and provide opportunities for members to attend them.
2. It shall be the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to allow families to make payments in order for their student to receive church matching funds to any institution that offers them. They may give up to the maximum amount offered by the institution.
3. In addition, the Student Ministry Committee will award a one-tine, one-year scholarship to a graduating senior. This scholarship may be applied for by any graduating senior to be used at the institution of their choice. The amount of the scholarship will vary year to year based on available funds.
4. The Student Ministry Committee shall monitor each class and promote the appropriate opportunities to each member as they decide on their future plans.
5. To the extent that total scholarship amounts do not exceed the amounts projected during fundraising preparation, individual scholarship awards to not have to be approved by the church.
From the former policy for Membership Services Committee (for reference purposes only):
III. Policies and Procedures
A. It shall be the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to develop and operate a strong student ministry which ministers to the needs of today’s middle school and high school students.
B. It shall be the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to ensure the safety and protection of every student who attends or participates in church student ministry programs. It shall be the policy of the church to require a background check for every worker in the student ministry.
C. It shall be the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to maintain discipline guidelines which govern student behavior while participating in church student ministry functions. See Attachment 1 for specific details of these guidelines. The Student Ministry Committee shall ensure that these guidelines are provided and explained to the students at the beginning of each church year.
D. The Student Ministry Committee shall:
1. Work with the Student Pastor to develop an annual program of student activities. This information shall be shared with the Administrative Oversight Committee and the church as it is developed.
2. Work with the Student Pastor and the Stewardship Committee to develop an annual budget or student activities. This budget shall be prepared in accordance with the church budget development schedule and shall include specific amounts of money expected or required from the following sources:
a. General budget
b. Fund-raisers
c. Registrations paid by students and/or their parents
d. Scholarships paid by church members towards the expenses of one or more youth.
3. Develop teams of parents and other church members to coordinate specific programs and events throughout the church year. See Attachment 2 for specific details of these procedures.
4. Evaluate the success of student programs and activities during the latter part of each calendar year and make recommendations to the church for changes in the student ministry which are deemed appropriate.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church July 9, 2014
Student Ministry Policies and Procedures
Attachment 1
Student Ministry Discipline Guidelines
The Student Ministry of Memorial Baptist Church is well known for its positive attitude and demeanor towards teenagers. All of the adults invited to serve as leaders are expected to affirm and encourage rather than criticize and condemn. Leaders believe an atmosphere of Christ-like unconditional love and affirmation provides more motivation to grow and change than an atmosphere of bombastic criticism.
Even so, leaders recognize that for any group to function, healthy parameters are important. Students who have grown up in the church need structure and guidance. And, for the increasing number of students with no upbringing in the faith, this is doubly true. Many students in the community struggle with serious issues these days. When they become involved at church, they bring those problems with them. Because ministers, parents, and leaders are all partners in the rearing of teenagers, it is important for all three groups to approach discipline and guidance at church from the same perspective. The following guidelines have been developed by those same three groups as a guide to those who touch the lives of teenagers.
A. Worship and Bible Study Behavior
1. Times of teaching and worship are primary in church life. Individuals who come to church in order to learn and grow deserve to study and worship in an atmosphere where that is possible without hindrance. Leaders have a responsibility to maintain that atmosphere.
2. Students who make Bible study or worship impossible for those around them need to be moved to an alternative study location. Generally, this will mean spending the remainder of the time with the Student Pastor or another student leader/adult. Before dismissing a student from a class or service, leaders have a responsibility to tell a student that his or her behavior warrants dismissal. Students who choose to continue disrupting should then be dismissed.
3. In all cases, leaders should inform parents when a dismissal has taken place. This is especially true for middle school parents.
4. In most cases, a student who has been dismissed from a group should be welcomed at the next meeting.
5. At the same time, leaders need to try and discover what is motivating a student to misbehave. The student ministry family should seek to meet those needs if possible.
B. Respect Toward Leaders and Sponsors
Students who choose to participate in student ministry activities agree to follow the instructions of leaders. Obeying those instructions and exhibiting respect toward leaders is a condition for remaining at an activity.
C. Trip Policies
1. The church assumes heavy responsibility when taking students out of town. For the student ministry to function well out of the city, obeying and respecting sponsors is essential.
2. A serious breakdown in these areas must result in the student returning home to his or her parents. If this happens, parents will be contacted and will need to make immediate plans to pick up the student within 24 hours of initial contact. If that is not logistically possible, then the parents of the student must pay for commercial transportation home.
3. Parents agree to support sponsors’ decisions about sending a student home, knowing that only those present on the trip can know all the variables involved.
4. On all trips, being sent home will be the normal result of:
a. Breaking curfew;
b. Body piercing or permanent tattooing;
c. Possessing alcohol, drugs or tobacco products;
d. Leaving the group;
e. Intimate petting;
f. Stealing;
g. Assault;
h. Possession of pornography;
i. Possession of a dangerous weapon;
j. Other serious failure to follow trip guidelines.
D. Sign-Up Policy
Very often, activities require students both to sign up and pay part or all of the expenses in advance. Realizing that circumstances arise which necessitate a youth withdrawing from a pre-paid activity, the following policy shall apply to the return of part or all pre-paid monies.
1. The student or parents shall request the return of money in person to either the Student Pastor or a Student Ministry committee member.
2. The request should be made as early as possible. At least two weeks in advance is normally sufficient.
3. If part or all of a student’s money has already been spent on activity expenses that the church cannot recover, that portion will not be returned to the student.
4. If a student signs up for an activity and the church pays part or all of their expenses, the student will then be responsible to reimburse the church if he or she withdraws less than two weeks prior to the activity.
E. Weapons
1. The physical safety of the student ministry is one of our church’s top priorities. Therefore, no student may possess the following at any student ministry activity, at the church or away:
a. A gun
b. A knife over 3 ½ inches closed or any open knife
c. A martial arts item
d. Any other weapon
e. Fireworks
2. The Student Pastor will coordinate a plan with others leaders to best protect the safety of the students present. Actual confrontation with a student with a gun will be left to the proper authorities.
3. If practical, parents of the involved student will be contacted.
F. In-Town Policies
Assault, alcohol, illegal drugs, weapons as described in E above, pornography and tobacco products are not permitted at student ministry activities. The breaking of this policy, including any other serious failure to follow student ministry guidelines, will result in the teenager not being permitted to participate in the next major student trip.
G. Physical Discipline
Parents have not assigned to church leaders the right to physically discipline students. Therefore, leaders will only make physical contact with a student in order to prevent a greater harm to the individual or to those around the individual. With rare exceptions, no other physical restraint is appropriate.
H. Physical Affection
1. Interest in showing physical affection to the opposite sex is considered a normal and healthy part of maturing teenage relationships. Our student ministry also believes that appropriateness should dictate the extent of affection shown at student ministry activities.
2. Holding hands and light hugs are almost always appropriate.
3. On special occasions such as at the end of a day on a retreat, a light kiss or two is fine.
4. Students should always approach relationships in a Christian manner.
5. “Making out” in trip vehicles and on church outings is not appropriate and receives the same response as any other broken guideline.
I. Location of Students
1. Church leaders can only be responsible for students who are actually in an area designated for a student activity. Parents have no way of knowing whether students are where they should be, and, consequently, whether leader supervision is being provided. Therefore, it is the policy of our student ministry that all students on church property must be in the actual area where the announced activity is taking place. The only options open to students are to be in the designated area of the student activity or to leave the church property.
2. Church leaders can only provide supervision for fifteen minutes after the end of a student activity at church. Parents providing transportation home are responsible for knowing the ending time of the activity and arriving within that fifteen minutes. With rare exceptions, parents should arrive no later than 7:45 p.m. on Wednesdays and 8 p.m. on Sundays. Activities lasting longer than these times will be promoted in advance as such. Students wanting to remain on church property after a scheduled activity must have the Student Pastor’s permission.
J. In-Town Transportation
1. The church provides adult-driven vehicles for every activity away from the church.
2. For all trips further than approximately ten miles, adult-driven transportation is the only option for students.
3. Licensed drivers may take their cars on activities closer to home. Church leaders always announce when it is possible for students to drive.
4. Parents have the responsibility to provide written consent for their student to drive on local activities and to clarify with their student whether student- driven vehicles are an option.
5. Church leaders cannot be responsible for the safety of student--driven cars and cannot guarantee the quality of driving. Also, church leaders cannot be responsible for students who leave activities in student-driven cars. The timely return of students to church can only be guaranteed for students in church-provided transportation.
6. Church-provided cars and vans must have a seat belt available for every passenger, and seat belts must be worn by every passenger.
K. Vandalism
The church requests that parents ensure that their student pay for any vandalism or willful damage to property.
These policies are provided as a proactive way to ensure clear communication among members of the student ministry family. For many years, Memorial Baptist Church has provided a positive, loving and affirming atmosphere for students. Thankfully, students and leaders enjoy a mutual respect that results in very few discipline issues.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church July 9, 2014
Student Ministry Policies and Procedures
Attachment 2
Sponsors for Student Trips Guidelines
The following guidelines, though not official or binding, may be helpful to the student ministry as they choose sponsors for out-of-town student trips. The selection of sponsors may be the most important variable in the effectiveness of a trip, both logistically and spiritually.
1. Sponsors must, as a prime requirement for traveling with students, model before students a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and a Huber for further growth.
2. Sponsors must model before students a clear commitment to avoid alcohol, tobacco, inappropriate language, and pornography, and must exhibit the highest integrity in marriage and dating relationships.
3. Sponsors must be prepared and willing to lead small group Bible study sessions and to personally lead teenagers to Jesus Christ.
4. Sponsors must be prepared and willing to give assistance and support to troubled students In a crisis situation, the Student Pastor or sponsor will take appropriate action to obtain professional help for troubled students.
5. Sponsors must be in full support of the church’s Student Discipline Guidelines (Attachment 1), and must be willing to implement the printed negative consequences in response to unacceptable behavior.
6. Sponsors must be willing to be on-duty at all times. Sponsors must be willing to forgo attractions and sightseeing when sponsor duties are required.
7. Sponsors need to model before students a love for them and full involvement on a weekly basis.
8. Sponsors must evidence a growing relationship with members of the student ministry before the trip, indicated by knowing a growing number students by name and seeking to understand their lives and backgrounds.
9. Sponsors must look to the Student Pastor as the leader on the trip and respond as team players to any assignments he makes.
10. Parents who sponsor a student ministry trip must be careful to refrain from activities which may be perceived as preferential treatment towards their son or daughter.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church July 9, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Teller Committee
I. Committee Membership
A. The Teller Committee shall consist of six members. They shall be divided into three teams with two members on each team
B. Members of the Teller Committee shall serve indefinite terms, subject to the desires of the membership. There shall be no formal rotation of members of this committee.
II. Committee Duties and Responsibilities
A. Assisting in the counting and depositing of offerings collected during church services and special events. Each team will perform its duties on a monthly rotating basis.
B. Making recommendations to the church for improving the handling and record keeping of church offerings and other receipts.
C. Assisting the Stewardship Committee, the Auditing Committee, and auditors (if any) in re viewing financial procedures and financial records.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. It shall be the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to maintain confidentiality regarding member giving. Giving information gained by the Teller Committee during the course of performing its duties shall be retained and used only for those purposes specified in these policies/procedures.
B. The Teller Committee members on duty for the month will meet the financial secretary or designee at the financial institution with which offerings and other receipts are deposited on the first business day after Sunday Worship services. The committee shall conduct the following:
1. The financial secretary will retrieve the bank deposit bags deposited by a member of the Stewardship Committee and, with the Teller Committee members, proceed to the counting area.
2. The financial secretary will open the bank deposit bags in the presence of the Teller Committee members assigned for the month.
3. The financial secretary will separate the offering envelopes into three groups:
a. Those containing budget offerings only,
b. Those containing Building Fund offerings, and
c. Those containing designated or special offerings.
4. Loose offerings (offerings not in an envelope) will also be kept separate.
a. The financial secretary will complete an offering envelope for each check in loose offerings.
b. Cash and coins will be counted and recorded on the bank deposit form.
5. Teller Committee members will open offering envelopes and verify that the amount recorded on the envelope agrees with the enclosed amount. Tellers will examine each check making sure it is properly filled out and signed. The check number will be noted on the offering envelope. Envelopes from Group 3(a) will be counted first. All cash offerings should be counted by at least two members of the committee to insure accuracy.4
6. The financial secretary will produce an adding machine tape of Building Fund offerings. This tape will be proofread and verified by the financial secretary and the tellers. Envelopes containing Building Fund offerings will be kept separate from all other envelopes.
7. After verifying the tape for the Building Fund offerings is correct, tellers will open the envelopes in Group 3(b) and repeat step 5.
8. The financial secretary will record each designated offering on the recording form
9. The financial secretary will stamp each check “for deposit” and then total all checks using an adding machine that produces a tape record.
10. The tellers will proofread this tape to verify it accuracy.
11. The financial secretary will complete the bank deposit form for deposit into the proper church accounts.
12. The tellers will verify the amounts deposited into each account, and they and the financial secretary will deposit all funds.
13. One or both tellers will accompany the financial secretary to the bank lobby, and the financial secretary will deposit all funds.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Transportation Committee
I. Committee Membership
A. The Transportation Committee shall consist of at least five members.
B. Federal Regulations require a CDL permit if the bus weighs more than 26,000 lbs. GVWR. A bus will also require a CDL if it has more than 15 passengers (including the driver) regardless of the weight. A bus will require a (P) passenger endorsement along with the CDL if there are more than 15 passengers (including the driver). Therefore, at least two members should have the correct licensing requirement.
II. Committee Duties and Responsibilities
A. The Transportation Committee shall develop and maintain policies and procedures governing the use of church-owned vehicles.
B. The Transportation Committee shall evaluate and recommend to the church adequate numbers and sizes of vehicles to meet the transportation needs of the church.
C. The Transportation Committee shall coordinate the use of church vehicles for all planned church trips and local activities. This will require notification to the transportation committee if transportation is required.
D. The Transportation Committee shall identify and ensure the availability of qualified drivers for all trips using church-owned vehicles.
E. The Transportation Committee shall arrange for adequate training of prospective drivers and refresher training on an appropriate frequency for all approved drivers.
F. The Transportation Committee shall provide for adequate maintenance and repair of church-owned vehicles.
G. The Transportation Committee shall develop local routes for church vehicles to utilize for picking up attendees.
H. The Transportation Committee shall ensure that adequate insurance coverage exists for vehicles and drivers and there is an updated “authorized driver” list maintained in the church office.
III. Policies and Procedures
A. It is the intent of Memorial Baptist Church to provide for the safe, qualified and necessary transportation needs for its members and programs.
B. It is the policy of Memorial Baptist Church that when the bus or van is used for any and all children and youth pick-ups, drop-offs, and trips, there shall be two adults aboard the vehicle. The preference should be one male and one female adult, but an acceptable alternative would be two adults.
C. It is the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to comply with all transportation laws and regulations when using church-owned and operated vehicles.
D. It is the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to require all personally-owned vehicles to be operated in conformance with transportation laws and regulations when such vehicles are being used to transport individuals for official church functions.
IV. General Vehicle Policy
A. Any use of MBC-owned transportation will comply with all church policies and procedures as well as all Federal, State and Local traffic laws.
B. All passengers shall remain seated and seat belted when church-owned vehicles are in motion.
C. All passengers are expected to be courteous, respectful, and helpful to fellow passengers during trips and while loading and unloading.
D. No littering shall occur from church-owned vehicles. No materials shall be thrown from vehicles.
E. Passengers shall keep all aisles and any doorways and emergency exits clear during transit.
F. A high level of cleanliness shall be maintained while utilizing MBC-owned transportation and a thorough cleaning after transportation is complete.
G. Copies of all church policies regarding its vehicles shall be maintained on each vehicle for the information of the Driver, Leader and passengers.
V. Driver and Leader Responsibilities
A. All Drivers will obey all federal and state traffic laws.
B. All Drivers will obey Federal and State cell phone usage and texting laws and should make every effort to utilize a co-driver or event leader to make and receive phone calls and message while utilizing MBC-owned transportation for any movement of the vehicle.
C. Where possible, all Drivers shall familiarize themselves with routes to be driven in advance of taking the trip.
D. All Drivers will inspect the vehicle utilizing inspection sheets in the vehicle prior to the trip and make all necessary and required entries.
E. Drivers shall designate a spotter for backing up, if needed.
F. Drivers are authorized to make necessary emergency repairs as needed during a trip. All invoices for repairs made shall be maintained and shall be turned into the church office for bill payment or reimbursement purposes.
G. If a major repair is needed, the Driver should contact the Administrative Assistant, if possible, by calling 502-223-8215.
H. Upon return the Driver will conduct a vehicle inspection, complete the log book and annotate any deficiencies, ensure the cleanliness of the vehicle, and ensure the vehicle is refueled.
I. The Driver is responsible for familiarizing the vehicle Leader with the responsibilities of that position. The Driver shall provide the Leader with a copy of written responsibilities when necessary.
J. A Leader shall be present, as a general rule, on trips in MBC-owned vehicles to ensure the safety of the passengers and to allow the driver to focus on driving responsibilities.
K. The Leader is responsible for informing passengers of general policies for the vehicle in use prior to the event or trip.
L. The Leader will be responsible for determining the number of passengers before and after a trip and conduct an accurate “head count” to ensure no passengers are left behind.
M. The Leader is responsible for coordinating the loading and unloading of passengers.
N. The Leader is responsible for ensuring the cleanliness of the vehicle after the trip is completed.
O. The Leader is responsible for providing any necessary trip items such as water, coolers, and cups.
P. The Leader should be responsible for leading the group in prayer prior to departing for the event or trip.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church July 9, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Use of Building and Facilities
I. Policy
It shall be the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to share our facilities with our community. We ask that our building be treated with respect and that all functions are carried out within a Christian atmosphere. Church functions will always take priority where use of the building and facilities is concerned.
II. Guidelines
A. Reverence for God’s house shall be observed at all times.
B. Final decisions made regarding the use of all areas of the church facilities shall be made by the Administrative Oversight Committee in consultation with church staff.
C. Commercial (for profit) use of the building will be closely monitored, and requires a lease agreement for space used. Fundraising events are allowed only for ministry purposes.
D. The user shall be responsible for church property during time of use. No chairs and other furniture/fixtures that have been stationary by screws or other fasteners shall be removed. In addition, nothing from the stage area shall be moved or removed without prior consent from the Administrative Oversight Committee in consultation with the Worship Team.
E. No smoking inside the building is allowed. Those who smoke outside shall dispose of cigarettes and not leave them on the property.
F. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages or drugs may be served or consumed on church property. If someone serves/drinks alcohol or consumes drugs on church property, they will be asked to leave.
G. In the church worship center and/or foyer, only metal sleeved, non-wax candles can be used.
H. No staples, tape, tacks or nails are to be used on walls or fixtures.
I. For events where food will be served, users must provide their own utensils, plates, cups, glasses, etc. The church can make available washable dishes to be used, but this must be pre-arranged with the Administrative Oversight Committee. If the church dishes are used, it is the responsibility of the user to wash them and put them back in their original place when finished.
J. No glitter, rice, birdseed, confetti, artificial snow or live berries are to be used anywhere in the building
K. A nursery worker (who has passed a criminal background check) can be recommended. Financial arrangements for these workers are the responsibility of the users and are not part of any signed contract.
L. If church sound/video/lighting equipment is used, it may only be operated by someone authorized by the Worship Team. If church sound/video/lighting equipment is used without authorization, the monetary deposit may be retained, and the user will be financially responsible for any damage that occurs as a result.
M. The user shall be responsible for clean-up of the building and property as outlined below and shall provide the name and phone number of the person designated for clean-up.
1. All furniture and equipment shall be returned to its original place.
2. The kitchen (if used), including all appliances and surfaces, shall be left clean and free of leftover food, utensils or any items used. The church does not have a garbage disposal, so please do not put food down the sink.
3. Trash is to be gathered in all rooms used and placed in the dumpster at the rear of the east parking lot (next to service station). Clean trash liners are to be placed into trashcans.
4. All clean-up is the user’s responsibility in every area used. Additional clean-up required, as deemed necessary by church staff, shall result in the retention of all or a portion of the deposit. Additional costs may be required depending on the extent of any damages and costs to repair.
5. Janitorial services for clean-up can be provided by Memorial Baptist Church if contracted during the scheduling process.
N. Music for Events
1. If assistance is needed to guide in the selection of music for an event, staff/members of Memorial Baptist Church are available.
2. Names of musicians and/or soloist can be provided. Financial arrangements for these musicians are the responsibility of the users and are not part of any signed contract.
3. The church has its own sound system, which may only be operated by someone authorized by the church. A technician may donate his/her time but may also charge a fee of up to $100.
O. Issuance of Keys
1. Small groups that meet regularly at the church may sign out a key. The designated user will sign an agreement that acknowledges receipt of the key and a $50 fee if the key is lost or is not returned. Small groups would also be required to sign our facility rental waiver. Keys are not to be duplicated.
2. For large groups that will be at the church for an entire day or more, a member of the church will be designated to open/close the church and remain for the event. The name of this person and contact information will be provided one week prior to the event.
P. Weddings
1. The church is available for booking a wedding up to one year in advance. Users may call the church office to determine availability of date(s). No date is reserved until a contract is signed and appropriate deposit is made.
2. Any minister performing a service in the church must be approved by the pastoral associates.
3. If a pastor of Memorial Baptist Church performs a wedding ceremony, pre-marital counseling is required and should be worked out by the bride, groom and minister.
4. Florists are responsible for contacting the church office to arrange a time for deliveries or for access to the building. Any time outside regular officer hours (8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday) must be arranged with the Administrative Oversight Committee.
5. Wedding rehearsals will be one hour in length and will start on time. The bride/groom are to inform all of the wedding party to arrive at the church at least 15 minutes before the scheduled starting time. All music, video presentations and other items for the wedding should be at the rehearsal. The marriage license should be brought to the rehearsal
6. After wedding ceremonies, the church Worship Center should be cleared no more than two hours after the ceremony ends.
Q. Procedures
1. The process begins upon the completion of the Application/Contract for use of MBC Facilities, copies of which are located in the church office. A copy of this policy is considered a part of the contract, and a copy will be provided with the Application/Contract.
2. The Administrative Assistant will ensure the form is completed with all information requested.
3. The form will be forwarded to the chair of the Administrative Oversight Committee for review/approval by the committee and staff. If additional information is necessary, the user will be contacted.
4. Upon approval, the Administrative Assistant will collect the $150 deposit to reserve the area desired.
5. Events will require a member of the church to open the building prior to the event and close the building after the event. The Administrative Oversight Committee shall determine a church member who will be responsible for this task. Members of the congregation will be notified, and a volunteer will be recruited.
6. Following the event, an inspection will be made of the facilities by a member of the church, who was present, to ensure all aspects of the contract/policies were met and there is no damage.
7. If all checks out, the Administrative Assistant will be instructed to refund the $150 deposit fee to the user. If damages are found, the deposit will be retained to cover any and all repairs.
R. Fee Schedule – All checks should be made payable to Memorial Baptist Church.
A $150 deposit is required to reserve the facility for both members and nonmembers which is fully refundable provided all criteria of the contract are met.
Member Non-Member
Worship Center No charge $250
(Baptisms only) No charge $50
Narthex (Foyer) No charge $150
Fellowship Hall No charge $250
Sound Technician $100 $100
Janitor (if needed) $100 $100
*Small Meeting Room No charge $25/quarter
*Those utilizing small meeting rooms as of May 2014 will be grandfathered in.
Rental fees may be paid by check if received two weeks prior to the event. Rental fees not received two weeks before event must be paid in cash. Rental areas are for four hours per event. This time is for set up, event, clean up and removal of all items. All evening events must be cleaned and belongings removed by 8 p.m.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014
Updated 2017.09.13 Business Meeting; Updated 2017.10.11 Business Meeting
Memorial Baptist Church
Application/Contract for Use of Building/Facilities
Note: All requests for use of facilities are subject to the approval of the Administrative Oversight Committee, church staff and other appropriate groups.
Today’s Date: ___________________ Name: _______________________________________________
Home Phone Number: ________________________ Cell Phone Number: _________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Are you a member of Memorial Baptist Church? (circle one) YES NO
Requested Date for Event _______________________Alternate Date(s) _________________________
Event Start Time ____________ Event End Time ____________ Expected # in attendance __________
Other times/days requesting the church to be open (i.e., for decorating, set-up, rehearsals, etc.)
Please list the person/organization responsible for event and a brief description of the event: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Area(s) requested for use (circle): Worship Center Narthex (foyer) Fellowship Hall Kitchen Nursery Parking Lot Small Meeting Room
Person responsible for clean-up following the event: __________________________________________
Phone Numbers ______________________________________________________________________
*A clean-up fee may be assessed if the areas used are not cleaned properly and returned to their previous arrangement.
Person responsible for payment of fees as agreed to in the guidelines: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Numbers ______________________________________________________________________
Sound/video/lighting equipment: Please detail any sound/video/lighting equipment requests*:
*If you are requesting the use of our sound/video/lighting equipment, you must have a church approved sound/video/lighting technician. Upon approval of a signed contract, the name of the technician and contact information will be provided.
I have read and understand all areas of this agreement and policies/procedures that relate and will abide by them. I likewise accept the responsibility for repair or replacement of anything that is damaged during my use of the building. I understand that all damage repair must be approved by the church Property and Space Committee. I understand that any fees not paid by guidelines set forth in this contract and attached policy/procedure shall result in retention of our deposit. I understand that usage fees are due one week prior to the established date of the event. I further understand that Memorial Baptist Church is not responsible for theft, damage or loss of the personal property of anyone during our use of the facilities.
__________________________________________ _________________________________________ Person Responsible for Event Authorized Church Contact
Date Signed: ________________________________
Policies and Procedures
I. Ushers for Memorial Baptist Church shall be led by a chairperson who is recommended by the Nominating Committee and elected by the church.
II. The chairperson of the ushers shall develop plans for usher training and schedule a sufficient number of ushers to serve at all worship and special services conducted as a part of the church program.
III. Duties
A. Ushers shall be available during services to assist attenders in locating a seat.
B. Ushers shall receive offerings at the designated time during the worship service.
C. A designated usher (usually a deacon) shall meet a member of the Stewardship Committee in the Narthex (foyer) with all offerings received and sign the Offering Handling Form.
D. Other duties as assigned by the chairperson of the ushers.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church on May 14, 2014
Policies and Procedures
Worship Team
I. Team Membership
A. The Worship Team shall consist of five members:
1. Worship Team Leader
2. Technical Coordinator
3. Vocal Coordinator
4. Instrumental Coordinator
5. Programming Coordinator
B. Team members shall serve indefinite terms, subject to the desires of the membership. There shall be no formal rotation of members of this team.
C. All pastors shall be ex officio members of this team.
II. Team Duties and Responsibilities
The Worship Team shall be responsible for:
A. The overall programming of all regular worship experiences provided for the church body (not for age-specific worship experiences);
B. Preparing and recommending an annual budget to the Stewardship Committee;
III. Policies and Procedures
A. The Worship Team shall meet as often as necessary to program all the components of a multi-sensory worship experience around the theme as supplied by the Senior pastor.
B. The Worship Team Leader will review the submissions of the vocal, instrumental, technical and programming coordinators to ensure a final product that is both a suitable offering to God and worshipful experience for the congregation. The Worship Team Leader will also be responsible for conducting worship team rehearsals.
C. The Technical Coordinator will be at the forefront of sharing ideas for the use of lighting, audio, photography, & video to be incorporated in the worship experience. They will select, purchase and care for all equipment needed to carry out this ministry.
D. The Vocal Coordinator will be at the forefront of sharing ideas for the use of solos, ensembles, choirs, instrumental features, and recordings—both established repertoire and new—to be incorporated in the worship experience.
1. The Vocal Coordinator will include workers to care for all music inventory of the church.
E. The Instrumental Coordinator will be at the forefront of sharing ideas for the use of orchestral, keyboard and band music—both congregational and presentational—to be included in the worship experience.
1. The Instrumental Coordinator will select, purchase and care for the instruments of the church and all repertoire needed to supply features from their area of ministry.
F. The Programming Coordinator will produce the order of service with appropriate song selections and service flow.
Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014