We are opening up some of our adult Bible study classes, along with Youth & Children's Bible study classes. Our nursery will also be available.
Worship Service at 11 a.m. in building and will be streamed on Facebook. Memorial Baptist Church, Frankfort, KY@memorialfrankfort.
Will meet in the Kid's Cove, upstairs.
This is for middle & high school students.
Facebook: MemorialFrankfort
We are doing the book of Genesis. This class is on Zoom and requires a link from Deb Colston to participate. Contact Deb or the church office to join this class.
Come join us for Ladies Bunko. 6-6:30 light snack and Bunko begins at 6:30 p.m. You will need to park in the small parking lot next to the gas station and enter the door under the portico. The cost is $5 per person. Donations go to Cinderella's Closet and church missions.
This event will be in the church parking lot.
We will meet in the Narthex Area. Please read the book "Negotiator" by Dee Henderson for this book club meeting discussion.
Bring a Friend to Church Sunday