Policies and Procedures

Long Range Planning Committee

I.      Committee Membership


A.  The Long-Range Planning Committee shall be an ad hoc committee proposed by the Nominating Committee in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws. 

B.  The Long-Range Planning Committee shall consist of the number of members approved by the church at the start of any long-range planning process.


II.  Duties and Responsibilities


      A. Evaluating church programs;

      B. Proposing goals for the next five years or another time                   period as specified by the church;

C. Recommending for church approval a long-range plan at the end of the planning period.


III. Policies and Procedures


A.  It shall be the policy of Memorial Baptist Church to conduct adequate planning to implement the Lord’s work in the community and around the world.

B.  A long-range plan shall be developed every five years, beginning in 2015.    

C.  Progress on the church-approved long-range plan shall be monitored by the Administrative Oversight Committee.

D.  All staff, committees and organizations of the church are encouraged to actively and prayerfully support the goals specified in the long-range plan.


 Approved by Memorial Baptist Church May 14, 2014