Did you know you can help Memorial Baptist receive donations just by using your Kroger card when shopping? It's super easy to register and depending on how much you spend each month, simply link your Shopper’s Card to your account so that all transactions apply toward Memorial Baptist Church's Rewards. Use MBC's number (DQ92) to sign up today.
Kroger Community Rewards - KrogerONLINE GIVING
Giving at MBC is simple and secure. If you'd like to give via credit or debit card -
click this secure link to give online. A percentage of all gifts given via credit or debit card is taken by the processing and credit card companies. You can also increase your gift to cover these fees.
TEXT GIVINGDonors can give directly to MBC's default text giving form by texting the keyword MBCFrank to 73256 followed by their desired gift amount.
GIVING APPYou can go to the app store to get the
Abundant App for your phone. Then you can find Memorial Baptist Church to connect for giving. This will allow you to give any place and any time.
Thank you for supporting our ministries in Frankfort, Harlan County, & Guatemala.